
About Me

  I am a 33 year old freelance stagehand and production manager going through a transitional phase.  A few years ago, my husband and I sat down and discussed our happiness-status:  what is making us happy and what is not?  What do we think will make us happier and more fulfilled in the future?  What do we need to do to get there?  After lots of discussion, evaluation, and minor freak-outs, we came up with one word: Freedom.  Freedom in our careers and lives so that we can be flexible- emotionally, mentally, physically and financially.  Freedom so that we can travel and explore more,  freedom to go where the wanderlust calls us.
  I'm an avid reader and researcher and love learning about new cultures and places.  I also love giving travel advice to people and often lament that I was born a few decades too late to be a travel agent.  I travel mostly with my patient, bargain-hustling, foodie husband, with a few guest appearances by friends.  We are mostly mid-range travelers with a few bargains and splurges thrown in for good measure.

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